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Gps Fleet Tracking System

Some of the largest brand names in GPS tracking systems do cost a bit more but are well worth the price. You may have heard about Garmin or Navman. These are considered some of the best. But, you still have other options including Magellan, Mapopolis, AdvanTrack and Cobra GPS.

There are many benefits to having a GPS on a family pet. The units are quite easy to use and will prevent such incidents as the dog chasing the neighbor’s cat or getting into trash cans. Anyone who owns an animal understands the problems that those actions can lead to.

Know Where Your Car is at the Moment – Let’s say you’re just turned on your computer and you want to login to the central station to find out where your car (or cars) is at the moment. GPS lets you do that without any trouble. You login to the system and see exactly where your car is now.

Get a Smart Key: Keys containing radio frequencies or coded computer chips will help protect against auto theft by ensuring that your car will only start with one specific key.

gps tracker vehicle Extremely accurate and powerful. This device is regarded as one of the most powerful and giám sát trực tuyến hộp đen ô tô;, accurate in comparison to it’s competitors. The real time tracking updates are done every 5 seconds, using a quality mapping protocol. What this means is, you will receive constant tracking data over a web interface as well as SMS, skype and other communication methods.

When you compare battery life to other trackers in it’s size range, the Spark Nano 2.0 is impressive. You can get up to 30 days battery power, based on an hours driving per day. There are other real time trackers that only provide 7 days of battery life.

You do not need to be James Bond or a member of a government agency in order to use a covert GPS tracking system. They are easy to install and manage; you only need to monitor and replace batteries as needed. Some tracking systems require an activation fee, as well as a monthly plan fee. This monthly plan allows you to log into your account to see the details as to where your assets are located. Monthly plans vary, and can range anywhere from $25 a month to $85 a month. This may seem like a lot of money, but remember, it is better to spend a few dollars now, rather than spend hundred or even thousands of dollars in the future replacing your stolen items.

There are many products available in the market for this purpose. Teletrac is one of them. The device is widely used in trucking and can be fitted into the trucks. This truck GPS helps in truck tracking by the company. The tracking systems can ensure that the vehicles are not deviating from the charted route and therefore can save a lot by ways of unnecessary fuel and time wastage. The entire fleet management can be conducted from one spot with GPS tracking. GPS systems are also used for providing the drivers with good navigation. The system directs the drivers properly regarding the route they need to follow to get to the destination in time. This in turn increases client satisfaction.

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